

Monday, November 12, 2007

Creative Every Day Challenge 12

Today, was a little busy. I decided to use what little creative time that I had to make jewelry. Some people find it odd that I flip flop back and forth between jewelry and painting...and sometimes other ventures. :) But, for me it's just the right thing to do. Sometimes the painting can be draining, pulling at my emotions and releasing it onto paper or canvas. Jewelry making is a little break from the emotional, and one more of technicality and practicability. So, today I worked on my little owls that were made from the Precious Metal Clay (PMC). When I made these the other day, I had no idea that they would end up on branches. The branches were made a long time ago also using precious metal clay over an actual twig. The twig burns out in the kiln leaving just the silver metal shape. The twigs were part of a project that fell apart in the tumbler and discarded. I stumbled upon these broken pieces when I tumbled the little owls. They fit perfectly together. I love when things like that happen. So, I soldered them together. I've put patina on the owls to darken them with Liver of Sulfur. I'm not sure how I like it. I couldn't get a good picture for you because it was late in the day. I'll look at them tomorrow in better light and make a decision. Here's a couple more pictures.

They are very small measuring about 1/2" tall. They have a tube soldered on the back for hanging. I think they're pretty fun!

I also hung my new handmade sign in my front door of the studio. I promised a picture, so here it is. Sorry, it's little. It's from my newsletter. I forgot the larger size is at the computer at the studio.

I made an announcement to my newsletter customers today that I'm planning on closing my eBay store and moving entirely to ETSY the first of the year. But all the giclee prints and originals are now on sale for one more day at eBay. Here's a link to the store. Wyanne's Ebay Store.

Thanks to everyone for your support. I really appreciate all your comments that you left for me. XoxoxoxoXPin It