I've been painting, making art and selling on the Internet for over 10 years now. During that first half of that time, I've tried out 2 assistants...which didn't work out. During the last half of that time...I did it all myself. I figured I just didn't play well with others. But secretly...I always wished, dreamed that the coolest assistant/manager/organizer would come along. I would be free to create and do what I do best.
Now, I had a wise Aunt Jane that practically raised me since my Mom was sick growing up. She always asked why "Wine Husband" didn't help me and go into business with me. Well...he always had a bigger, fancier job...that was essential to the well being of our family. She just shook her head, and said it would be a match made in heaven. As I said, Aunt Jane was a wise woman, and I knew deep down she was right. His strengths are my weaknesses, and vice versa.
Well, the first of the year came and Wine Husband came to a major career crossroads. The traveling was getting unbearable, and the stress became less and less worth it. Last Wednesday, he came to me and said he didn't really want to go back to all of it. He missed his family too much. He loved living on this Island too much. He wanted to go to work with me and make my business a success. Wow...I just about had to be picked up off the floor. We talked over the details, and decided to try it. It's probably going to mean a lot of macaroni and cheese dinners for a little while...but we've survived worse.
So, the goal is to get the the gallery opened to the public, without losing my Internet business. Over the last few months, I haven't been able to do that by myself. I had great ideas of how I wanted it to look, but couldn't find the time. So, I'm learning to put away all my preconceived ideas of how I wanted things to look in the studio and gallery...and let someone else take over. I'm having to share....and play well with others. But, you know it's working. Slowly, but surely as I look up from my art desk...the place is being transformed. The entire family is involved. It's a really great feeling to know that you have so much love and support and that the ones that I'm closest to...really believe in my art. I am so blessed. Here's some photos I shot of the transformation in progress.
"Wine Husband" cleaning up the courtyard.
Luke cleaning off shelves and reorganizing.
Logan planting flowers for the courtyard.
The stairs have artwork hanging now!!!
The new gallery area.
So things are changing. Wow. It's so wonderful. I am having my cake and eating it too...and learning how to share. I think I can play well with others. Thanks Aunt Jane!!!
A short video on the new painting, "You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too...Sometimes You Have to Share".
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