My mother was constantly telling me that my "hair was such a mess that it looked like a bird nest". I always thought that was pretty cool, as a child. And now as I've grown up and become an artist...I've learned that good things can come from messes. It's all how you look at it.
So...I consider myself...a good mess. I constantly make messes around me. My studio is a mess. My purse is a mess...and forget about knowing where my cell phone is. My clothes are usually a mess with paint and beeswax stains. I can barely remember my own phone numbers...actually I probably could if they weren't composed of numbers...my artistic brain just can't wrap itself around remembering any types of numbers. My car is a mess. And the list probably goes on and on.
But, that's okay. Because if things were any different...I wouldn't be Wyanne. Despite my messes...my good always shines through them. It shines through my art, through my family, and through my heart. And I am ever so grateful to be surrounded by those who can look past my flaws and see that I'm really a very GOOD mess.
Love to all the other good and hot messes out there!
PS. Being the good mess that I am...I've extended the Commission Painting Contest Drawing until June 30th. So there's still time to get your entries in to WIN a custom 18" x 24" painting by me.
All orders from Etsy, Ebay and my website will be eligible. For every $20 that you spend, your name will be entered. So, if you spend $100, you'll get 5 entries! Spend over $100 and your entries are doubled!!!
The drawing will be June 30th at noon, with a video posted here on the blog of the winning entry! So good luck to everyone...and thank you so much. XOXOXOX!!!!Pin It